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Destination: Desktop for Google
by: Jakob Jelling
First we had the original Google search that evolved into the leader in its class. In fact, it became so popular that the word "google" worked its way into our everyday language as a verb, as in "to google" something. Google later introduced a toolbar that was plug-in for some browsers like Internet Explorer. The Google toolbar features a direct Google search box with quick access to image and group searches, a pop-up blocker, and for Internet marketers mostly, a PageRank (PR) indicator.
With competition like Yahoo and MSN threatening to start nipping at Google's heels, Google has introduced several new services to try to stay ahead of the pack. Recently they introduced Gmail, their web-based free email service (currently offered by invitation only). And still in the Google lab is the Google Deskbar (for Windows users only).
The Google deskbar is a plug-in that resides in the Windows taskbar, the little control panel that contains your start button, perhaps some quick launch icons, the clock, and the system tray. Search engines and marketers have realized that to maintain and increase their competitive status, they will need to find ways to get surfers and customers to invite them to their desktops.
The deskbar features quick access to Google's results, no matter which application you're currently using. Researching a class report? Check facts and sources quickly. Working in Excel? Look up the formula to calculate the volume of a tube easily. Following breaking news? Check it from the deskbar without leaving Photoshop! You'll be able to preview your search results with the small "floater" window that will close automatically.
From students to senior executives, from casual surfers to serious Internet marketers, the Google Deskbar may add to your productivity and fun online. It's worth a look.
By Jakob Jelling
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.com. Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.
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