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 by: Scott 'Gears'

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branch of philosophy which studies the principles of right and wrong in human conduct.

Is your business ethical?

What I mean is "Does your business do the right thing when faced with that decision?" It's a simple question, which many businesses struggle with. I just don't understand the struggle part?

I have worked for companies that believed they were ethical, and really have no clue. Meaning the decisions they make everyday towards their customers and employees does not advocate ethics. So, what is it? When someone in business gives you their word and then reneges, that is unethical. Your word is your promise. Even if it is your business making the statement. Doing good business and being a good employer is more than your product or people, it is the guidelines in which you do that good business. I'm disappointed in how many unethical businesses exist today. I have worked for some of them and they just don't get it... they 'talk tough' but when the decisions are made I can't fathom what motivated them come to their decision? It was not necessarily 'doing the right thing'.

Yes, I know profits are pinnacle to most, but that IS NOT the bottom line! The bottom line is how your customer, partner, client or prospect walked away from their experience. What's so hard to get? It also helps you feel good about yourself and your business, and you should sleep better too!

Treat them the way you want to be treated... I mean it!

Don't say something you have no intention of backing up with your action. Keep your word in business, in compensation promises, in client promises, in doing good business. This is pinnacle!

I don't want to ramble here, but some businesses need a wake-up-call (yesterday). What puzzles me is why? When you do good business, you get more good business. I'm not just talking about the Enron's or Arthur Anderson's of the World, I'm talking about every type of business out there, in every industry.

If each one of us refused to do business with these unethical companies - we would have a lot fewer of them.

Be one of the ethical ones. Do good business, keep your word, don't venture into gray areas, and do the right thing! Sure, it will occasionally cost you something, but it will pay you back, and it won't cost you your dignity or pride or any client worth having. Isn't your business worth it? Or how about your personal reputation?

Try this: The next few times you're faced with 'doing the right thing'? Well, when you 'do it' - do it with extreme pleasure! *

* This will pay you and your business back ten-fold. Why? Because that person (customer, employee, client, etc.) is going to tell at least 3-12 other people (potential customers who like to be treated well too). Remember, you did it with extreme pleasure, they're not just going to say they received a refund, or a promotion, - they're going to be jumping up and down at how well their situation was handled!

- Make someone else's day! - you'll be surprised at how well your day goes.

I look forward to running into more good business out there - hopefully yours.

Remember - Doing good business rewards your business with more of it... we're all here seeking to do business with reputable firms, let's do just that.

The upside? If your business does good ethical business? Then you are already ahead of a good chunk of your competitors! There's opportunity here. Keep up the good work, partner with other 'like types' and only do your personal business with other more ethical companies, like yours. We could see a decrease in our unethical competition very soon.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my thoughts and encourage the type of business that helped this Country, it's people, and every business - Grow.

Good luck in your business!

About The Author

Scott is the Founder and Sr. Project Manager for Hyperformance, a Technology Marketing Company serving online businesses since 1996. His 23+ years of experience in the computer industry will help you succeed. Their website offers free education & resources that will assist any business in successfully marketing their company online.

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