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Please Protect Your Confidential Files

 by: Robert Kelly

You'd be disgusted to know just how some doctors, businesses, lawyers and high profile companies treat your confidential records. Often they have extremely good email security, only to have the files left completely unprotected on their actual hard drive. Really, what good is that? If somebody takes the computer, or simply bypasses your firewall, not a difficult task, they would gain access to all of your confidential information. What about that notebook computer? I'm sure where all thinking about security when we take our laptops from place to place…

To combat the problem Australian based IT Security company, Quantum Digital Security has created an incredibly interesting tool. The product, named CleverCrypt, acts as an encrypted hard drive for your computer. Once you've installed the product you simply protect all of your confidential files, by dragging them into the CleverCrypt drive, and the program automatically encrypts them all. After your files are in your encrypted drive, you simply open the files from the drive.

CleverCrypt seems to be able to encrypt almost any kind of file, including Microsoft Word / Excel files and all of our business management files. You can also protect images and some system files.

The benefit? If somebody hacks into your computer, or just outright takes it, all of your data is protected inside your CleverCrypt drive. According to the company website it would take a supercomputer over 149 trillion years to crack a CleverCrypt volume, and that's if you're using the least secure option.

CleverCrypt is an incredibly interesting product, useful for anyone dealing with confidential data or simply wants a little more privacy.

So, what's your doctor using to protect your records?

CleverCrypt is available for $89.95 from Quantum Digital Security, Australia

You can try CleverCrypt for 30 days by visiting

About The Author

Robert Kelly

Busy Business Bob takes a look at a new security product designed to protect your confidential, or just downright private, files.

calling cards

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Customer Testimonials on calling cards

We would never claim to be world authorities on calling cards but our passion and interest in this area has encouraged us to source out the best locations for calling cards purchases and products.

We have set a number of important criteria for evaluating calling cards websites. Among these are (1) secure shopping areas for calling cards purchases; (2) well documented customer support areas and (3) testimonials from happy clients. Just click on the link below and you will see how these apply:

Customer testimonials are a clear indication that a calling cards website is doing a good job. People who have purchased calling cards and received their goods in a prompt and efficient manner are the best advertising a business can have. In short they are saying **Buy your calling cards here**.

Long established highly reputable calling cards suppliers will even provide a contact link so that you can talk directly with the customer. This means that they are so confident that their calling cards customer has had a good experience that they are prepared to put you in direct contact with them.

Ultimately it will be your calling cards shopping experience that determines how happy you are with the supplier. We'd like to think of ourselves as intermediaries to ensure that your calling cards shopping experiences are positive ones. Our website is full of solid evidence backing up the shopping links shown above.

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