[description], Story, any other text you want to use.
Acres of Gold
by: Nicholas Dixon
A few years ago I stumbled upon a goldmine.Now this precious commodity was not something that you could touch, but rather one to look at.This goldmine has made more successes out of the average man than any other vessel in history.
This goldmine is so obvious many of us miss it or take it for granted.What could it be ? The internet !
With a good computer, an internet connection and your creativity you can do so much. There are countless ways in which you can display your talents for the world to see.
Their have been countless life changing inventions throughout history. The net deserves to be among the most innovative. Anyone from a ten year old to your Grandpa can use it to their advantage.
It is changing lives. The Internet can be like a drug, it may not "hook you" the first time. But as you start to use it regularly, you can't seem to live without it (that's me alright!).
And what's best about it is that it belongs to everyone. Not the government, nor corporations or secret societies. It is for us all to have.
We should be careful what purposes we use it for though.It can be used to educate, inform and communicate to improve people's lives. Don't use it for wrongful purposes. Why create a shortcut when you can blaze a trail ?
Go ahead and discover that goldmine under your nose.It may not glitter but it is certainly not fool's gold.
To your success and mine....... ,
© Nicholas Dixon
dish network satellite dish
You've probably heard of search engines such as Yahoo!, Google, and AltaVista. There are literally dozens of these tools to help you locate the dish network satellite dish information you're looking for. The trick is understanding how they work, so you can use the right tool for the job and if the returned list of dish network satellite dish sites is useable. We've done this and our summary below will save you hours and hours of time.
Search engines break down into two categories, directories and indexes. Directories, such as Yahoo!, are good at identifying general information but no so good and specific dish network satellite dish information. Like a card catalog in a library, they classify websites into similar categories, such as accounting firms, English universities and dish network satellite dish providers. The results of your search will be a list of websites related to your search term. For instance, if you are looking for the dish network satellite dish, use a directory.
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