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How to Protect your PC from Spyware in the Cyber Age.
by: George Papazoglou
Wouldn't you be shocked to find that your personal sensitive information, like files, credit card information, operating system / software and other non-disclosed data to be penetrated by unscrupulous prying eyes? Even worse...
"Is your computer infected by Spyware?"
What is Spyware? Spyware are infectious programs developed to secretly subtract and transfer electronic information over the Internet, without a User's apprehension.
Norton Anti-Virus or any other "virus protection" solution, will not protect your computer from malicious applications like Spyware.
Ever Downloaded any kind of Music, Video or "Free Software"?
On the Internet, anything "free" has a hidden cost... much more than the cost of a highly-priced product.
How much is your Privacy's worth to You?
To diabolic marketing companies, your identity my friend, is worth thousands of dollars... they get rich by capitalizing and selling your privacy to third parties, who will in return, sell (again!) or use you as a guinea pig for their promotions -
your Anti-Virus won't protect you from Spyware!
Hint: Some even sell your information to telemarketers, or bulk e-mail marketing companies.
The question is... are the gigantic companies selling "anti-virus solutions", a part of this greedy industry?
Two of the best "Spyware Scanners" you must-have to protect your computer and identity from prying Spyware.
Free Spyware Removal Tools
No Adware : Stops privacy invaders like Gator, Kazaa or Adware and PC cluttering pop-ups.
X-Block Probably the most powerful tool to automatically tracking, cleaning and informing you about malicious spyware, Trojans and Privacy-intruding programs.
Scan your Computer now for free. Open the program here and then opt to choose "RUN" instead of downloading it. You will be probably shocked to see how your Computer's system is infected with several spyware programs.
About The Author
Article written by George Papazoglou This article maybe freely republished provided that it is left intact including Author's credits and this resource box at it's total entirety. © Cyber-Software.com
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