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Use Feng Shui Techniques To Design a Harmonic Website For Your Business

 by: Jakob Jelling

By following feng shui guidelines and techniques, you can build and design a business website that is not only visually attractive but also attractive to wealth and prosperity. The elements that are part of a business website are somehow equivalent to the objects distributed through a working space since the website is the electronic version of the actual business' offices. Therefore, the website design and the elements that will be in it should follow feng shui guidelines in order to be properly balanced.

The colors used to design your website are very important and you should choose it carefully. If you want a website which feels lively and active, it should contain yang elements, while if you wish it to be quiet or passive, it should have yin prevalence. Yang colors are all the bright and cheerful ones, while ying colors are all the dark shades. Therefore, a website with predominance of a light and bright color would be more yang than a dark or off colored one where yin would have prevalence.

It is important that you keep your business' website general appearance clear and tidy. A messy or cluttered website would not only make the user feel overwhelmed but it would also be an obstacle for your business prosperity. Your business website should be designed having its graphics and written content clear and organized. Besides this, the general appearance should be as natural and easy to follow as possible. Anybody who visits your business website should feel welcome and comfortable in it, and this should be achieved by providing a clear and welcoming main page and allowing an easy navigation through the entire website.

The lines you use for your business website and its graphics are also important regarding feng shui harmony. Straight lines and shapes with cutting edges are not natural and when having too many of them it can be harmful for your business' prosperity. Therefore, you should try to use as many curved and smooth lines as possible, since this would not only help you adding nature inspired elements to the website but also bring wealth to it.

About The Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

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