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Create Your Own Business Cards, Part 2

 by: Jane Fulton

This is the second part of creating your own business card. If you missed the first one, let me know:

Click in the box, where you want your text to appear.Type in your text. Make sure the text is where you want it. For example, in my card the bottom text wasn't under my logo. To put it under the logo, I highlighted the text I wanted under the logo and clicked on the left button on the tool bar.

You can change the font, by going to the 'Format Menu' and choosing 'Font'. Choose your Font size and the type of Font you want. Click 'ok'. NOTE: Be sure you choose a Font that is easily read. If you don't, you may as well not have a business card.

NOTE: If you create your card and don't like the way it looks, you can undo the changes, by going to the 'Edit Menu' and choose 'Undo'. You can also highlight the area you want to do over and undo it the same way.

If you create your Business Card with a URL or Email, be sure to turn off the hyperlink like we did for our Letterhead.

You can print the Business Cards your self or have them printed professionally. For best results, they should be printed on 250 gsm or thicker paper. Most printers can only handle 160 gsm, therefore you might want to go the professional printer route. If you are operating on a small budget, like most small businesses, print them yourself. That way the cost will just be for the ink and paper.

If you choose to have them printed professionally, you will need to copy it to a floppy disk. To do this, go to 'start' -- 'programs' --'Windows Explorer' . Click on the + next to 'My Documents'. Choose the folder your Business card is in and double-click on it. On the right side of the screen, you will see the file, 'Business Card'. Right-click on it and choose 'Send To' -- 3 1/2 Floppy A'. It will then be copied to your Floppy Disk. Take this disk to the professional printing place and they will do the rest.

If you choose to print them yourself, you will need to create more than one card and buy the paper to print them on [at least 160 gsm].

To create more than one card, we will copy and paste the original card. Click inside the card area. Go to the 'Table Menu' -- 'Select' -- 'Table'. Go to the 'Edit Menu' and choose 'Copy'. Go to the space directly under the first card and hit enter. Go to the 'Edit Menu' and choose 'Paste Cells'. A copy of your business card will appear. Continue this process until you finish the first row. Word will automatically move to the second row. Continue this process until the page is full. Go to the 'File Menu', choose 'Print'. Under 'Page Range', be sure that 'all' is selected. Choose the number of copies you want and click 'ok'.

About The Author

Jane Fulton is Owner & Webmistress of 'Home For Newbies & Beginning Marketers'. She has been helping them for almost 4yrs now. She publishes a newsletter, Newbie & Affiliate SOS Newsletter. It appears online twice a month. If you like these 'How To' type of articles, subscribe to her newsletter at:

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