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es, Ezines Everywhere!

 by: Terri Seymour

There are literally thousands of ezines being published online these days. Sometimes it is hard to know which ones are best for advertising in, reading, subscribing to and so on.

How do we know which ones are good and which ones aren't? Which ones should we advertise in and what type of advertising is best? How do we know we can trust the publisher?

Answering these questions is not always easy, but there are signs we can look for in an ezine.

  1. Quality Content - Quality ezines will contain lots of useful and helpful content. Links, articles, free downloads, marketing and promotion information, helpful tools, etc. are some examples of good content.

  2. Publisher Interaction - One thing you want to be aware of is how the publisher interacts with his/her readers. Do they have a section where they "talk" to the readers? Are you able to get to know the publisher as well as them showing an interest in getting to know you? An ezine can be a labor of love, but if the publisher does not even take the time to bond with the readers, it might mean that the publisher just wants to make a fast buck!

  3. Limited Ads - Look out for ezines that are just a long list of ads. This cheapens the ezine and the quality of advertising. If you are looking for an ezine to advertise in, stick with ezines that contain only about 5 (give or take one or two) ads per issue.

    You also want to advertise with a publisher that offers solo ads. Statistically, solo ads are the type of ad that get the most response. Your second choice would be the top sponsor position, which is right at the top of the ezine.

  4. Contact Info - I have already seen ezines where I could not even find the publisher's name, let alone an email address! If someone does not even want you to know their name or email, I hardly think they are going to be there when you need them or take the time to write a quality ezine.

  5. Sales Letter - Some publishers will mistakenly use their ezine as just a means of selling their products. They fail to realize that they must build a trusting relationship with their readers rather than just using them to make a quick sale or two. An ezine should be used as a path between publisher and readers, a way to build a relationship of trust and respect.

  6. Consistency - Watch for ezines that say published every week and then maybe you get one once or twice a month. If the publisher cannot even deliver an ezine when promised, how can he/she be believed about anything else. Of course, there will be times when we as publishers, for one reason or another cannot get an issue out. A good publisher will either let you know ahead of time or send an explanation as soon as possible. The one you have to watch out for is the one that will send an ezine whenever they feel like it with no consideration for the subscribers.

These are a few of the things to watch for when trying to decide which ezines to advertise in or to give your loyalty as a subscriber.

As you read and look over more ezines, you will see which ones suit your style or your taste, but always keep an eye out for the main points of a good ezine!

I like an ezine with a warm and friendly personality. This, of course would come from the publisher. If the publisher gives the ezine some personality, it makes for much better reading, advertising and enjoyment!

I would just like to recommend a few of my favorite ezines/publishers.

  1. SimpleBiz Ezine - Publisher: Livvie Matthews Livvie is a wonderfully warm and funny lady who takes her business seriously and does a great job. She definitely has the personality for a great ezine!

  2. RIM Digest - Publisher: Jan Tallent-Dandridge I have known Jan for years and although she is very friendly and easy-going, she is a no-nonsense professional. She puts her "RIMMERS" above all else.

  3. Ideas By Post - Publisher: Alannah Moore I may not have known Alannah as long as some other publishers, but I know her ezine is loaded with tons of great information and resources. Alannah does a great job of putting together a professional ezine. It would be worth your while to take a look.

  4. HomeBizJunction Herald - Publisher: Cathy Bryant Cathy has years of experience with ezine publishing and gives her readers what they are looking for, a clean & sharp ezine full of quality content! She is 100% a professional, but makes a great friend as well.

All of these ezines and publishers are an asset to the Internet marketing world and I strongly recommend them. Of course, I am partial to MOE, but the above ezines are excellent also! ;-)

About The Author

Terri Seymour owns and operates

Learn to publish and promote your own ezine.

For a complete list of her articles available for reprint please email:

You can contact her at

ATTN: Ezine Publishers, save hours of your valuable time!

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