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Computer Viruses are Bad Luck

 by: Maya Pinion

OK, so you caught a computer virus and your system is all screwed up and you're frustrated and angry and upset. Bad luck.

Here's something that might make you feel better ...

The universe has true balance. And if a computer virus causes bad luck for the user it can also cause bad luck for the person who launched it.

Computer virus creators are usually very young and do not realize, or care, that they are causing harm to others. They just think it's cool. What they don't realize is that when a virus is launched it also unleashes a mystical power into the world, a malevolent thing that does bad things and makes victims of other people.

What these teen and pre-teen computer terrorists also don't realize is what goes around comes around. The universe will get them. Sooner or later. Payback time. They cause you bad luck, bad luck will befall them. What goes around comes around. If they launch a virus, causing bad luck for millions of people, in return, that can unleash and focus millions of bad vibes, BIG bad luck, back at them. That could mean serious bad luck for the launcher of a virus. Perhaps their mother will finally become totally disgusted with their attitude and behavior and cease to love them. Maybe they'll end up in a foster home, too old for adoption. Or maybe they'll have to run away and live on the streets, with no place to hook up their computer. Or maybe they won't run away but will get a weird but temporary brain disease that prevents them from using a computer until they're old enough to use it responsibly. Bad luck for them.

The computer virus. Bad luck for you, worse luck for the one who launches it.

About The Author

Maya Pinion is a New Age writer, contributing editor at News4Net and, for those who wish to discover their true destiny, highly recommends

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