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Get Listed at DMOZ

 by: Jakob Jelling

When you are deciding on the major search engine directories that you want your website to be listed in, you should not overlook one of the most important ones: the DMOZ (short form for Directory Mozilla). DMOZ is just another name for the Open Directory Project, one of the human-powered submission directories. The Open Directory Project ( was designed and is currently operated by a volunteer group of web editors and reviewers.

It will not cost you a dime to get listed on DMOZ but before you submit your website to the Open Directory Project for review, you will need to be certain it is developed with DMOZ standards in mind. You will need to go through all of your web pages to make sure that your website is elegant and professional.

Your website design should be already completed at the time you make the submission. That means that the design of every single web page should be finished. Unfinished websites will be rejected. Also make sure that your website contains valuable and relevant information or your website will get rejected.

One of the benefits of being listed with the Open Directory Project is that your website will sooner or later appear in other search engines like Google and Yahoo. This happens because the DMOZ listings are used by numerous search engines and directories, including Google.

The submission process is relatively uncomplicated. Your first step is to visit the website of Open Directory Project: You will be able to select a category and subcategories for your website and add your website's URL. Make sure that you selected the correct category and subcategory. Incorrect selection may result in longer waiting period or rejection. Also read and follow the provided instructions and requirements very carefully

The title and description that you submit should be carefully prepared and reviewed to make sure they accurately describe the content and the main theme of your website. If DMOZ editors will disagree with your description or title, they can either change it or completely reject your website.

It may take some time (sometimes 6 months or more ...) before your website will show up in the Open Directory Project. However, do not resubmit your website during the waiting period as this can only result in a longer delay or get your website rejected. Be patient and regularly check the status of your submission by doing the search on DMOZ. If your website does not get listed for a long period of time or gets rejected, you can also check on the status of the submission or the reasons for the rejection by contacting the editors for the subcategory that you selected.

About The Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest info on search engine optimization.

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