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iPod users get the picture

 by: David Llennac

iPod users start to get the picture and it's turning out to be colorful fun!!

The latest generation of hi tech gadget users are watching the different media they use start to converge as Apple launches its latest grab for the market with iPod Photo. Not only can you listen to all your music on the go, or organize your business and social life, but now your entire photo collection can be viewed at hand too. With the latest color screens iPod users can turn the favorite toy into a slideshow which is set to music. Watch this with friends hanging out at the beach or connect it to your TV and away you go.

Imagine putting your holiday photos to your own sound track and being able to view it wherever you want, well this is now possible to do, and with the 60GB version you can hold up to 25,000 photos. Of course, if you want to mix these up with music the storage would be shared but still with the longer lasting battery in the new generation of iPod you can get up to 5 hours of slideshow or 15 hours of music according to Apple.

All this is possible to use with your Apple Mac or PC using Autosync to make the synchronization of your music and pictures automatic. Visitors to are informed of many of the features of the latest iPods and the best deals around for purchasing these items. From their website you can access hundreds of online deals for the whole range of iPod products.

The latest iPods are set to rock the market once again with their latest visual addition. The only question is….where will all this convergence end up? Soon these multi function devices may move into the area of telecommunications with the prospect of watching digital TV or videos. Perhaps our mobile phone will become our MP3, video and still camera with 5 mega-pixel definition. Who knows? But for the time being Apple have once again moved ahead in the hard-drive, hand-held multi-media gadget race.

iPod is produced by Apple which can be found at:

About The Author

David Llennac is working in the field of Education and is the owner of the website

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